What is LIGAS and why should I care?
It is a tax location system for Micosoft Dynamics GP that allows control of the process of Venezuelan standards and regulations, such as shopping and sales books .
For compliance with Venezuelan regulations, the system is made up of:
Shopping book
The record book of purchases and expenses is mandatory.
The book takes the registration, at the daily level, all purchases and expenses that are related to the activity of the company including the annotation number, the acquisition date, the name and surname (or the company name) of the expendator, the concept of the purchase, the amount, etc.
Sales book
The sales book is recorded all credit operations that support the sale of goods and services made by a company is mandatory .
The book includes the data of tax records of sales documents (invoice, debit and credit note).
Book of withholdings
The retentions book include VAT, ISLR and additional withholdings.
The book takes the registration , of anticipated tax operations both for purchase and sales.
IGTF book
In the book, operations are controlled in different currencies to the functional currency and that these are identified as transactions of this type, these can be configured in sales and/or purchases and Proof is generated by said transaction.
Fiscal information
It allows registering the fiscal information of your suppliers and customers (RIF, SOICAL RAVING, Type of Taxpayer, Address, etc.).
All transactions that are generated by the Purchasing and Sales Module in Microsoft Dynamics GP are recorded, and then have indentified them as prosecutors.
You can consult all the information recorded in the book, including historical transactions.
You can generate your book when you want and download it both in pdf and in Excel .
You can configure all books and each of its tax details created in GP.
LIGAS has a WEB system that allows you to configure, manage and consult the information of the books (Purchases, Sales, Withholdings and IGTF) and the data of the suppliers and customers registered in Microsoft Dynamics GP.
What offers you WEB LIGAS?
You don't need a GP user to be able to work with WEB LIGAS.
LIGAS allows you to create provider type users and they can connect to the system to download and consult their receipts retention.
Allows Send by mail the retention vouchers automatically.
You can download the files required for the declaration ISLR and VAT process.
By configuring the IGTF books, you can keep track of transactions generated in currencies other than the functional currency configured in the GP system, in addition, allows you to generate receipts for each of them.
Integration Microsoft dynamics GP
The system is integrated with Microsoft Dynamics GP allowing to consult and record transactions in the different books created in LIGAS.
LIGAS inherits the permits granted in GP to open and record transactions in the system.
You can consult all transactions generated with or without Tax Information.
Contact us
Cagua 2122, Estado Aragua. Venezuela.